my kids are so funny. billie is SUCH a teacher's pet type and all her motives are selfish ones but she really wants to please everyone and earn compliments so she does it all in a very clever (sneaky so that you don't realize you're turning into her personal slave) way. this is how she asks for things "Would you be so kind as to fetch my shoes for me, Jackson? I think they're downstairs....thanks."
Jackson does not care if you like him and he certainly doesn't want you calling attention to him with compliments about his gorgeous eyes or anything else embarrassing like that. If he doesn't want to do it...he's not going to do it just to make you smile. He is not out for number one and often thinks of others and comes out of nowhere with really kind things and ways of helping me, Sloane, and of course...his sister (the queen) Wilhemina. but for God's sakes don't point that out or he'll stab you with his sword and flash off to another room where he can study his comic book heroes without the nuisance of fans.
Then there's Sloane who I thought had maxed out at cuteness at 4 months. She's STILL irresistible x 10. She waves and smiles at everyone, blows kisses and makes you think she's sweet. Until she wants something or you try to pull a 'trade' on her. Some people might refer to this as the 'ol switcheroo'. She's NOT falling for it- this shovel is way better than the crap you are offering her and she will hold on to it for dear life no matter how many things her brother and sister bring to her alter as offerings. She has the heartiest chuckle and always wants to play. I vaguely recall there was a time when she wasn't up to the play level of her older/wiser siblings. Now she rules them and they can often be heard out in the backyard pleading with her. "Please Sloane...please! I'll give you a ride in the wagon? Pleeeeeeeeeease share, Sloane!" i
thought B & J were smart but Sloane has just blown them out of the water with her signs and games and all the astute things she recognizes in the world.
Here she can be seen doing a 'posed camera smile'...isn't it nice that she learned that so ealry?! ugh!!
digging up the yard and installing our new climber and taking her place among the kids to check out the Daniel in the Lions Den painting at the National Gallery of Art (yes, we do go there once a week!)
did i say i'd write something interesting?! and you believed me?? ha! what i meant to say was "I promise next time I'll write something." period.
interesting things can be found here and here.
If you're into that sort of thing.
I like to set myself apart by being un-interesting and having NO life outside my children so there.
by the way- did you spot billie in the museum group shot? she's the one wearing 20 times the colors and patterns in her clothing. isn't she just perfect?!! oh how i dread her finding out that things are supposed to 'match' and look 'pretty'.