We are total groupies of this band- Rocknocerous, yesterday we went to see them play at Wolftrap, theater in the woods. Colonel Purple Turtle is Sloane and Cort's favorite song.
This summer we have spent a lot of time in creeks. We prefer playgrounds near creeks. We never ever come home dry or clean. This is how it is: Jackson is first to scramble down rocks and in the water, Billie helps Cort. Sloane wears dresses or skirts no matter where we are going that day. Cort wears a Hibiki helmet and pajamas.
Cort is THREE now, he says it 'Free' and connects his ring finger to his thumb in an odd way of pointing 3 fingers up to show people. He says this to random people, in an elevator, sitting at the next table in the restaurant, strangers in the pool..."I'm Tort, I'm free!" Jackson gave him his own 'pirate ship' and he got tons of weapons, which are his favorite things. We went to the Air & Space museum and had a very happy birthday for him.