Saturday, March 25, 2006


We started Karate this week. (with Billie's Christmas money from several of you...Thanks!) Jackson is adamant that he wants to "be only in gymnastics." After watching the class once and then watching while Billie participates unti,l on the drive home, we are talking about the order of belts and Jackson says "Actually, I would like to do Karate so that I can earn a green belt." And Billie keeps asking when she will be able to earn a pink belt. It's a class for 5-12 year olds, off-base in a real Do-jo. Billie struts in wearing a striped shirt and flowered pants (picks out her own clothes, as she has since she was 2) not a bit intimidated by all the kids in the proper uniform, the youngest kid by far. She goes right to the front and follows Sensei's every move. Afterwards the teacher told us "I've seen a lot of kids...I mean a LOT of kids and she's really GOOD." They had us do a trial class because she's so young they have to make sure she won't be a disruption to the class. She is a follower 100% which will be a concern when she's in her teens but earns her a lot of praise at age 4.
Jackson is the NICEST kid. He isn't much of a follower, doesn't care about making other people happy- he won't say 'hi' to strangers unless he feels like it. He's just nice and friendly when it matters to someone he cares about. He's fiercly protective with his family and he is the most thoughtful when someone is hurt...or when someone has hurt feelings. There's not a mean streak in him. He gets a little wild sometimes and he doesn't always (ever) follow directions but he NEVER does a mean thing. He's made a lot of friends, being such a nice kid, with no need to impress any random grown-ups who approach him at a store with happy questions like "Let me guess...are you five?"
That's it for the kids. Sloane is still herself. The most difficult baby I've ever had. Totally adorable and CRANKY!!!
Bill is getting loads of contacts about jobs and it looks like we'll be able to get a nice job nearer to our starting date of Aug. 1st.
I'm working on a little project of my own to start and keep me busy (because i don't have enough to do now) when we move. More on that as it develops.

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