Thursday, May 31, 2007

too tight

So, here's this shirt that I REALLY REALLY want but i know when it arrives I'd just force it over my belly and stretch it all out because some people have patience and i just do not. I do not wait for sales or, go home and *think about it*. If I love it, I buy it. So, this is a problem for several reasons- I don't look at the price, I don't budget, I don't comparison shop, I haven't used a coupon since...ever, I don't recall the price of things in my head so that when you say "that's a cute hat" I can say "3.50 at the thrift store or $350 at Nordstrom." I usually know which store it came from (because I never go to Nordstrom or the mall and it helps that I haven't been inside a store other than a thrift store in like, 8 months, except in Paris). So, chances's from the thrift store or from Etsy. The other problem with me not being able to get this shirt right now ("Daddy, I want a goose that lays GOLDEN eggs!") is that I'm crafty and make things for myself and I'm tempted to just write the phrase on one of my huge maternity shirts with a sharpie...but somehow I don't think it would have the same effect. I can just see us all at Trader Joes me...pregnant and sweaty trying to keep track of what organic goodies are going into the three mini-carts the kids are all pushing...and I'm wearing a shirt with a furiously scribbled "I hate children" on it. No. It's just not the same as the innocent shoppers smiling at me and my adorable brood, striking up a conversation and then taking a closer look at my sweetly embriordered shirt and I get to see their horrified faces. That would be much more fun.

I guess i'll have to *sigh* wait.

So, yeah, i don't price stuff, it's a flaw. But i'm KINDA thrifty cause i really don't go to the mall, or target, and if i must shop i try to go to a little local business, we don't use paper towels (much to the frustration of all our visitors), have never ever paid for cable TV, don't buy garbage bags (we use grocery bags and minimize trash), don't buy much individually packaged food stuffs, the kids don't wear bibs, (this is a really cheap thing i do- slightly embarrassing because i used to be a waitress and would be so ticked if someone did this at my table) me and the kids go to Bennigans for lunch and i order the monte cristo and 4 glasses of water- the kids occupy themselves with moving around the ketchup, sprinkling salt & pepper around the area, and 3 sets of crayons and puzzle menu that our waitress has so kindly provided, they drink from their hard-to-assemble-with-lid children's cup (which they do not need- even Sloane can drink well from a glass) and need refills. Then we all split the monte cristo sandwich and fries, "3 extra plates and mustard, please". Which amounts to a TOTALLY not healthy, oh so irresistible, filling lunch for the 4 of us at less than $10!
Because I am not cheap i do leave a big fat tip. It would just be wasteful to order more food, kids meals or something- I find they are usually a waste. It's much better to split the american sized meal for 'one adult'.
So that's my inconsistent money policy- but I'm sure it all balances out and i know i shop less WAY WAY less than most people i know...but more frequently than my Dad. He hasn't been to store (other than home depot) in the last 12 years...i'm serious.
I haven't spoken to my mom today but i can bet she's been at a store within the last 12 hours. So, that's where I'm coming from...and i have parts of each.
The confession is that I'm REALLY AWFUL about waiting for things- the upside is that i'm rarely late because i wouldn't make anyone else wait. So, at least that's a good thing, right? And it would be really funny if I wore that shirt and that's a good thing...making people laugh is nice.


Pat said...

It hurts to not satisfy your every whim at this stage in your pregnancy, but I am NOT getting you that shirt!

Love, Mom

thekellyfive said...

Bellisimo... you are a brilliant writer and make me laugh at every turn. And I totally just got a sandwich at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks and split it with Annalise and Addison just today. That shirt is hysterical! Love, Debbi

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Thank you for a morning laugh...I would love to see the expressions on Trader Joe shoppers (and I am very jealous that you have a Trader Joe's). Isn't it fun to confess things?

Clan Mac Mama said...

oh, i would love to have that shirt and wear it to like the DMV or something. since the completely judgemental clerk at the DMV yesterday treated me like a child abuser when she rudely inquired "what happened to her leg!" at which point i felt compelled to launch into a treatise describing the unfortunate incident with the curling iron, followed by her silence, which i then tried to fill with an explanation of our move/homelessness/lack of our own space. UGH. Maybe that shirt would have shocked her into SHUTTING UP. I MISS YOU!!!! I'll post on my blog soon and I AM calling you today. give the kiddos some junk today and tell them miss tiff sent it. and feed baby squirt some yummy treats. organic, of course! so glad i'm not the only food nazi in this blogland.
miss ya!

la said...

so, you should check your myspace. and cute shirt that you want, but how can you even think about spending $74!!!! sheesh! anyways, we went to toronto, but i couldint find degrassi. i was sad.

Pat said...

Dobby would like new pictures and commentary in June, please....