These are a few of my FAVE or it ttttthhhhhhhhiinnnnnnnnngs.
we got our stuff and i've noticed my favorite thing is my music. i'm serious. i think music makes our days happy. seriously- i think everyone should put their very favorite songs on their ipod. and not just the ''s alright' songs that you hear on the radio- you must bring back the un sit still-able beats of good vibrations ! (Drug free- so put the crack UP!)
Really, how can you NOT grab your baby and rock out in your living room (which most certainly does involve air guitar on the couch) when songs like this (or showtunes) come on. Billie knows almost all the words to Girlfriend in a Coma by the Smiths and she loves Salt n'Pepa.
Also, I really love God too. Seriously. Our church here is so small and cute and our priest is so wonderful and even Bill likes hearing what he has to say each Sunday and the kids like it (well, almost) and I love having us all together on Sunday morning and just being still and appreciating how blessed all of us are. We as a family, we who have friends like you and we in the larger sense- we who get to see these amazing sunsets and we who get to spend our days choosing what to eat and watching our kids smile.
My favorite things in Turkey- the stop light turns yellow before it turns green because all the cars are in such a total frenzy to be as close to their destination as possible (every inch counts) that we need a warning before green. We're all sitting there and then it's like yellow...get ready...GO! Really! I think that's so funny. I am crazy in love with Turkey.
There! I wrote a blog not about the kids...look at me all with thoughts on other subjects and then download some Tatu.
who said you can't have your cake
and listen to it too?