Friday, July 23, 2010

How on earth do you do it?

So, there are definitely times when we are moving, packing suitcases for 10 months, living in hotel-like homes, not getting too settled where we are, leaving all the comfort of what we know and wandering into new territory and I think this is just CRAZY. Seriously, what are we doing? And then we get pictures of our new house and it looks like this. And then I'm like- oh yeah, I can totally live with this.

Really, there's a lot that moving around offers us; at all times the promise of a new beginning is on the horizon. We can enjoy the time where we are knowing that we'll only be there for a limited time; we don't sweat the small'll be gone soon enough. Crappy celing fans, cranky neighbors, bad haircuts...who cares?

Moving helps me sort through our 'stuff' and stay focused on what's really important. Each time we move I have to think about who I'll miss, what I need, what I want to change, what rituals I want to keep, and what I want to forget. It's like New Year's Resolutions but more often and more through. I have grown to love the cleansing-ness of a new beginning. I can move there and pretend I have always had dreads, I can start over as a Mom who never yells (we'll see how long that one lasts), I can set up a 'quiet room' for yoga, legos, puzzles, as I've been meaning to do for the last 2 years. It's suddenly a time to re-new.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a solid ground, a home that I considered MY OWN, with mosiacs in the kitchen that I had made. For the kids to have neighborhood friends that they play with ALL the time, to be part of a knit group that was going to keep meeting for the next 20 years. To have a spice collection or a pantry that really contained everything...

Moving isn't always easy but it's constantly exciting to wonder- what will our next home be like? Where will we be? What new people will I meet? What adventure is out there just waiting for us?

Stay tuned for my next post when I whine about all the things I just said I love: Sorting, stuff, wondering, unknowns, etc.
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la said...

i have been trying to call you for the last few days. gimme a call when you get some time!!! p.s. the new house looks AWESOME!! miss you all!

Pat said...

Where have I been? I thought you were too busy to do this anymore and stopped looking. Fantastic--and I'm so glad to be back. Plus, you are echoing the way I felt about my peripatetic life--that seductive renewal and new goal thing. STILL love it!

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Ok, so just catching up and now I am afraid to tell you that after seeing the new house the kids and I may start calling Chez Solley our second home. Good grief that is a mansion!

I think we have had some conversations about this crazy life of moving every three years or perhaps you have just been peeking into my brain and sucking out my thoughts. I vacillate between loving the adventure and also wondering what it would be like to fully settled somewhere. And since you know I am such a pack rat, right now it is a very good thing that we move every three years. I'll try to give you a call so we can really catch up. Enjoy your final months Stateside and we'll look forward to seeing you on this side of the world soon. Where will be for Thanksgiving?! said...

Nice home! We must see you before you leave again... Pho 75? Delhi Dhaba? Picnic? Love you guys and miss you.! said...

Ha ha! "" is from the Sheridans... :)