Sunday, August 12, 2012

extraordinary in the midwest

 Some folks think it's strange to go off and live in Japan & Bulgaria.  I love the discovery of it all.  Each time I'm somewhere new I see things with a fresh eye; the common becoms uncommen when you're coming from a different place.  This is a neighborhood house that is COVERED in cats, cats in the yard, in the trees, on the sidewalk, on the trashcans.  There is no sign of humans living here- though I hear tell of an owner...I've only seen cats.  It's fascinating!

Also, it's fun to watch the Olympics and to buy lemonade from a girl wearing a Justin Bieber shirt!  How cool is that?! It's so Americanne!

2 comments: said...

Where in Bulgaria did you go and live? We spend 6 months a year in Bulgaria and live between there and France.

Renting A Home

fiona said...

Oh, Angi! I miss you! I've been no good at keeping in touch this summer, but now we are in OKINAWA! We love it. We miss Bulgaria, but we're quickly adjusting to life here, and enjoying it. Cort is five! Happy birthday! Yes, that seems much older. And I love the title of his bday post. I can so hear you in your writing! Today at story hour (yes! There is a LIBRARY here! And STORY HOUR!!!) I saw my friend talking to another lady from church, but for a split second the other lady looked like you... a little taller, no dreads but the same color of hair, and kinda frizzed out (in a good way) and carefree and I just thought, "Angi!" Even though my mind knew it wasn't you... Sigh. Anyway, I will email you soon. I hope y'all are doing well, and that Bill has arrived in one piece. Or will soon. I can't remember when he gets to VA... Anyway, talk to ya later!