Bill is running a 50 mile race. I have not been supportive of this in any way...but he's doing it anyway just because he can't do anything on a normal level...running 26 miles is not enough, he does that every other week, running 30 miles is not enough...we have to be all extreme so he's going for 50 miles today and I am getting ice for his 'ice bath' later and we are making a sign for him to smile at as he crosses the finish line today in the 95 degree heat.
Jackson got heelys at the thrift store the other day for $4. He could hardly walk out of the store wearing them for the first time because they are heavy and akward with wheels on the back heels. Then he fell over and over and worked at it for HOURS as he slowly and steadily got very good. Now he can do all sorts of tricks. He totally has Bill's determination and gets fixated on things: knitting, reading every book in the Wizard of Oz series, heelys, legos.
As I was taking these wheely photos I noticed the background of my messy kitchen. Piles of papers and dirty dishes...and an iron (it came with the apartment) and a towel because my coutnertop is my ironing board and because sometimes I do little projects.
Today I ignored the dishes, made my bed, got dressed, schlepped the kids to the thrift store (yes...again!) because I wanted to reconstruct an old man's work shirt into a cutesy girl shirt. This seems to be the style Billie has mostly adopted; at the moment she has these half-finished projects in SIGHT of where I sit right now, newspaper basketweaving, a theater ticket stub scrapbook, 2 crochet projects, her own poster for Dad because she didn't want the other kids messing up her drawings, and one construction paper 'tape player' she's planning to use as a prop in our next play. I won't list the arty things I'm working on at the moment but I may have more going than she does and if you were to calculate a rate I probably finish about 45% of the things I start. Bill does everything he puts he puts his mind to. If only I could get him to commit to putting his socks in the laundry bin and he could rely on me to actually get to the grocery store...
I once posted a picture that had a very messy counter in the background. A friend commented that she loved the texture of the photo. Tom took that to mean the mess and will often comment on the texture of our home. I figure it will be clean in a decade. Maybe.
Yes, Bill you are nuts. Seriously, 50 miles? What when how...huh?
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