If you're thinking "Big news for the Solley family? pregnant...again?" that's not it. That would REALLY be something since Cort is just 3 weeks old. So...not pregnant...what's something else major that we do every couple years? If you guessed move to some far off land...you're correct.
You probably all know that we've hoped to work for the Foreign service for a long time. We're doing it, serious pay cut and all. Come visit us now because we'll be off to Botswana or Lisbon early next year! (You can come visit us then too, but you'll have to fly.)
We don't have any idea of our future destination but we should have at least some idea by October. As for right now, Cort is wonderful and Billie and Jackson are the colicky ones!!! They have been totally acting out and sorta rude for the last few days. It's an adjustment and they're used to waking up and getting like 3 fun activities each day with all the grandparent attention (spoiling). I think they need some kind of kid re-hab for when the grandparents leave...time for them to come down. But once they're back in their routines and we get back on track with some school time and reading time...i think (hope) they'll calm down and be back to their old silly selves.
I shouldn't post this without bragging about how amazing Bill is- he's super smart and has mad skills so that everyone wants to hire him...such a good breadwinner/best dad and provider/bike riding teacher/swim instructor/tickle wrestler/chili maker/infant on chest couch napper/arm wrestler/sore loser/ in the universe.
congrats, even though i dont even know where those places are (hey, i teach special ed, not geography). glad to hear everyones still doing great, even though billi and jackson need rehab...and i totally want to try bill's chili! miss you guys and cant wait to hear more (i just wish you had ONE MORE SUMMER here so we'd come see you then....oh well!) love you all!
Can't wait to find out where you guys are headed! Cort looks like he is doing great. Sorry to hear Billi and Jack need rehab. Glad to hear Sloane is continuing to embrace her role as little mama/big sister. We miss you guys!
happy birthday, angi! sorry i didnt get your card in the mail...i have been kind of a spaz about cards this year...plus, with school starting and being in a new school this year i feel like i have gone INSANE (maybe i should go to therapy with billie and jackson). hahah! hope all is well! let me know when you find out where youre going! hope you guys do get to come around Christmas! miss you!
Angie-You are an inspiartion with that attitude. I'm still working on getting baby#1 weaned and sleeping through the night...and I live in the USA (and plan to long term). Best of luck with everything!
p.s. are you related to the Baby Whisperer?
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