Saturday, July 28, 2012

life in Minonk

 Today we needed Onion powder, which is pretty much common.  Right?  So, you just rotate the rotating-double-layer-spice-rack-thingy with your handy backscratcher.  While I take pictures and convulse into giggles on the floor watching you struggle with rotation using a BACKSCRATCHER.

Then we can complain about Bob and his excessive spice collection while he yells out "If you would look closely they are in alphabetical order!" from the cushy chair in the cow themed living room.  Then we can't hear what else he's saying because I start crying I'm laughing so hard.  And that's when Mom pulls a container of Turmeric down, it seems the back scratcher is not really all that good at gripping and lifting. 

Then she tries to clean it up with a  spoon.  A SPOON I tell you!!!  I help out by continuing to guffaw and take photos.  And then we're down to one possible spice it onion powder?  Alas,'s Mace, from 1977.  Such is life in Minonk.
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