Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My Left Foot

I titled this blog my left foot because 'Sloane broke her leg' sounds so sad. want to hear something worse? "My one-year old has a broken foot" or what about "I fell down the stairs when I was carrying my baby and now her ankle is broken." At least I don't have to say that last one...Bill does. I HAVE fallen down the stairs while carrying her, but no injuries resulted. Bill and I were both wearing an evil pair of slippers at the time...those slippers are in the dumpster now. and poor little sweet Sloane's ankle is in a big purple cast. I don't have to say anything really, ...just be the mom walking around with a baby who she somehow let fall into a disaster that required a huge purple cast!!!
more bad stuff? okay...we didn't notice (because she didn't cry or fuss, really) so we took her to a baptism and party all day on Saturday. I noticed she didn't want to walk, but just thought she was feeling clingy and we carried and held her all day. We did little foot bending, knee moving experiments to make sure nothing was wrong and she acted fine, like she didn't mind us wiggling her limbs about...no cries, not a sign...just didn't want to walk. can't be broken then, right?
so, at the doc office i was all ready for them to say she must have a sprain or bruise after looking at the x-ray. when the doc said 'fracture' i burst into tears. she's JUST ONE!!! i have never broken a bone, been to the ER twice in my life, once with Jackson, once when the train dumped Billie off at the fair in Minonk...that's it. that's the full extent of serious illness or injury and little Sloane only stayed intact for one year!! oh. thankfully, i'm CLEARLY more upset and bothered by this whole thing than she is.
pictures: does this foot look broken to you? i took a picture because i won't be seeing it again for 3 weeks, in the rocking chair with billie, billie and jackson work on lincoln logs...unaffected and whole.
i hope 2007 gets better.


thekellyfive said...

Awww!! Poor Sloane. My brother was is a full body cast for about 6 mos. when he was Sloane's age. He had to relearn to walk and wouldn't let go of the furniture so my dad got him a stick horse to give him the confidence to walk on his own again. My point is that it thoroughly traumatized my dad but my brother doesn't remember it at all. So at least Sloane won't be like, "Man, that hurt like the dickens when Dad broke my ankle!" Hope she heals well and quickly. And I love Billie's Hanna dress! Love, Debbi

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Hugs and healing to all of you. It is so hard to see our babies hurt, isn't it? You and Bill are great parents and did everything you could. Sloane is resilient and she looks good in purple :) Hang in there and know we are thinking about you.