Why is this the worst move ever? What were we doing last time we moved that made it so easy? I looked back to see and it was this.
I'm all chillen with some kids on a nice warm day while BILL is at home with the movers. This time Bill is working full time and I'm home, sorting, erranding, putting yet ANOTHER dvd on the laptop for the kids to watch while we sit at the dinner blanket (in place of a dinner table...we have a blanket on the floor) and eat PB & J (yes, I know we already had that for dinner last night).
Here's what it's like: the movers are there and I'm trying to point to things that don't go in the big shipment because they will go express with Cort in a sling and then I peek in on the kids because I hear Billie and Jackson competing for Sloane's attention and as soon as she see me, Sloane says "Mom! Drink! Snack! Pee Pee bathroom!" She knows she has to get in all her requests at once because I'll disappear again in 2 minutes and she is under strict instructions NOT TO LEAVE this room. Do not open the door, and be quiet until the movers are gone...Mommy will play with you in 2 weeks!
Now we're at the hotel and there is a TV- with reception and cable and everything!!! After not seeing one TV show for 18 months the kids are fascinated by commercials. Billie wants BRATZ dolls and Jackson wants anything spiderman and Sloane keeps saying "Watch THIS video Mom." as I flick through the millions of(49) channels wondering what is happening on the 48 channels I haven't had on for the last 8 seconds.
Shows are so awful that I stay up late watching them just to be sure they exist. Did you know that Scott Baio is married to an annoying pregnant girl? and who would have known what a whiny loser he is if you'd never thought of him beyond Charles in Charge? Then there's celebrity Rehab where people are ACTUAL drug addicts. I do miss sleep but who can sleep when there's all this entertainment right in the room with them.
I am so grateful for these idiot boxes when I have to make calls and pack boxes and the kids are bickering...there's enough TVs in our suite so that they can each have their own program on in separate rooms!!! Slightly disturbing that I would need that, yes.
here's some random laptop pictures from last time we were moving...i like the one of billie doing yoga with me when we were moving in.
look how little Sloane was!!! Cort is like that now...except he has NO skills at sitting up. He's good at spinning 360s on his belly on the floor like a breakdancer .
You poor thing :-(
But you crack me up.
And you are so hatin' me for getting to go see Hannah Montana 3D Friday - ROFL! Tammi
Aren't you glad you do this blog thing? When you move next time, you'll look back at this entry and think "the worst move ever"?! that move in 2008 was a breeze compared to the one in 2011. I am starting to think all these moves are like childbirth...a little bit of amnesia to make you forget how painful they can be, optimism that surely by the 5th move we've learned enough to make it all go smoothly, and yet there are still labor pains! Makes me laugh to think of you guys sitting in a hotel room binging on tv...guess you are getting your fill for the next 3-4 years (wonder what Turkish tv is like?)!
Honey, anyone who can blog at such a nightmarish time is smarter and better organized than your average bear! So glad you're coming up on the homestretch. I think I'll be able to hear the waterpark squeals of contentment all the way from here!
I agree with Lucia, it's like childbirth. your brain makes you forget it lest you kill your young. LOL. The TV binge will save your sanity and anyway, you're moving to Turkey, so it's not like they'll see it again for another 3 years! If you really need to smush their brains, i'd be happy to tape and send you the crap on my 225 channels. UGH. AND, even though it doesn't even come close, I am suffering the ill effects of a singing Hannah Montana doll sent to Evie as a late Christmas gift. My sister-in-law must not like me. can i stash in your suitcase to Turkey? SAVE ME FROM THE DOLLS!
AND, i called your cell and left a few messages, but I don't know if you are still getting them. If you aren't, they said: I LOVE YA, I MISS YA, MOVING SUCKS and CALL ME!
hang in there...
shrewd way to up the readership of your blog. I never kept up with it while you were here [didn't need to], but now I've got to and your stats are just going to do through the roof because I check it alot!
Too funny about the TV, hopefully your kids will forget what they saw over the next few years so they don't contaminate mine.
I am beginning to wonder what is so bad about Bratz dolls, especially the ones that aren't dressed like hookers [I think there are two]. I mean, they are so disfigured looking, don't you think they'd be less likely to trigger body dismorphia than Barbies? hell, I can't live without long blonde fluffy hair and that's because Mattel refused to recognize brunettes in the 70s.
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